Adella’s childish games continued at mealtime. “I specifically said to prepare for two people, didn’t I?” Odelliana demanded.
“Miss Adella instructed us to prepare only your portion… I’ll get it ready right away,” the maid stammered.
An hour passed, and the maid still hadn’t returned. Odelliana’s food was now cold. Sensing Odelliana’s growing distress, Matthias spoke softly, “Shall I handle it?”
“I…” Odelliana hesitated. “I don’t know.”
As Adella tightened her grip on the annex, the inevitable happened. The servants obeyed Adella, ignoring Odelliana completely. Their eyes were fixed on Adella, their actions dictated by her every whim. With each passing moment, Odelliana’s anger burned brighter.
If this continued, she would inevitably find herself trapped in a squalid room, subsisting on scraps and enduring a life worse than an animal’s.
“For now, you should eat,” Odelliana insisted.
“This meal is for you, Master. You should have it. I’m fine,” Matthias replied, her voice filled with sincerity.
“You’re at an age when you need proper nourishment,” Odelliana countered.
“You need it more than I do, Master. You’re frail and must take better care of yourself,” he insisted.
Matthias’s gaze fell upon her thin wrist, visible beneath her sleeve. Embarrassed, she pulled her sleeve down. She wanted to avoid any unnecessary commotion.
While pondering a solution to rid herself of Adella, Odelliana offered Matthias a spoonful of the cold stew. “Let’s share,” she suggested. The adage about sharing even a single bean came to mind. She couldn’t allow her young student to starve. Having brought him into this situation, she felt a deep sense of responsibility.
Matthias, his expression filled with concern, reluctantly opened his mouth. Just as Odelliana was about to take a bite, he spat out the food and grabbed her hand. “Don’t eat,” he said urgently.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, confusion evident in her voice.
Matthias remained silent. Odelliana stirred the stew, her disbelief growing with each movement. Beneath the chunks of meat, she discovered a disturbing reality: the stew was filled with sand and stones.
Matthias calmly retrieved her spoon and began cleaning the tray. As he carried it away, Odelliana called out, “You’re not planning to kill someone, are you?”
Matthias glanced back, a smirk playing on his lips. “Just give the order, and I’ll bring you their heads.”
“Leave it for now,” she replied. “Will you be back soon?”
“Yes, just wait a bit,” he assured her.
However, Matthias didn’t return until the sun was high in the sky. The gravity of the situation dawned on Odelliana. It had started with sand and stones, but the next attempt could be far more sinister. With Adella holding complete control over the servants, there was no telling what she might do.
Anxiety gnawed at Odelliana as she waited for Matthias’s return. When he finally reappeared, he carried a neatly arranged tray filled with fresh food. Its warmth and enticing aroma suggested it had been freshly prepared.
Odelliana was stunned. “What is… that?” she managed to articulate.
“It’s your lunch, Master,” Matthias replied.
“Why did you…?” she began, but trailed off.
“I couldn’t trust anyone,” Matthias explained. “I waited in the kitchen and brought it directly to avoid any more tricks.”
A complex mix of emotions washed over Odelliana.
“I’ve also prepared a change of clothes for you,” Matthias added, his demeanor suggesting a puppy seeking praise. He might not have had a tail, but his body language certainly implied one.
Rather than feeling happy or proud, Odelliana was filled with a growing sense of trouble. Why should he go through such lengths for her? He was already burdened with far too much responsibility.
Rational conversation was impossible with Adella; she was beyond reason. Yet, Odelliana couldn’t idly watch as Adella’s malicious actions continued to harm Matthias. The consequences would ultimately fall on him.
With a grim determination, Odelliana picked up a butter knife, ignoring Matthias’s puzzled expression. It was hardly a formidable weapon, but at this moment, it seemed like the best tool available.
Odelliana stood up, her grip tightening on the butter knife. “Can you help me?” she asked Matthias.
“Where are you going?” he inquired, his voice laced with concern.
Odelliana clutched the butter knife more firmly, her gaze hardening.
“Let’s go do something crazy.”